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17-18 August 2002
131 descendants of the Denis-Octave and Mathilde Collette family gathered for Reunion at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Dayton MN.
St. Alfred Collette came in from Heaven to greet Collette family members gathered for reunion in the sanctuary of St. John Baptist Church in Dayton MN August 17, 2002. (Alfred departed this earth April 23, 1944, and his mortal remains are in the St. John cemetery.) Since Alfred wouldn't speak English, and "Father" Dick Bernard couldn't speak French, Pauline (Collette) Cadieux, and her husband J.P., were enlisted to interpret. St. Alfred wouldn't reveal exactly where Heaven was, or what it was like, or what the criteria were for getting in, but did allow that the Vin was good there, but not the Biere! The excellent weather on the days of the reunion must have indicated that no Collette had caused permanent celestial problems for the rest of the family.

Pictured from left: J.P. and Pauline Cadieux, Vernon Sell (as his grandpa Alfred), and Dick Bernard. All (excepting J.P.) are descendants of the famille of Denys and Mathilde (Vermette) Collette, originally of St. Lambert PQ.
Dick is wearing an alb of hand made lace, made about 1930, "one Hail Mary at a time", by his grandmother Josephine Collette Bernard, for the ordination of a close family friend, Father Edward McDonald of Grafton ND. "Father Ed" as he was always called, was Dick Bernard's father's great friend and altar boy buddy. He officiated at the wedding of Henry and Esther Bernard in 1937, doubtless wearing this alb. Grandma Josephine's 1899 photo, with her brother Arcidas, is the lasociete page photo for this website.